And so it begins... So I've been planning to write a blog for quite a while. Originally it was going to be about my new life in Manchester but my friend joked no one would want to read about the boring things I get up to and I got cold feet. I'm not really new anymore so I guess this is just a blog about my life in Manchester, being hopelessly single, dating and what's going on with me. I thought I'd open with a list (love a good list!) that I was going to keep private. I'm 30 next year!! And decided recently to make a 30 wish list - 30 things I'd like to have done by 31. I really should have started earlier and got them done before 30 but it's better late than never! 1. Climb a mountain. I don't know why really, I' ve just always fancied climbing a mountain. I don't own any climbing boots and I'm terribly unfit so preferably a small one. Google tells me the smallest one is Moel Siabod, Snowdon, Wales so maybe I'll aim for that. ...
Hi, I’m Rosie. I’m in my late 20s and moved to Manchester from down south in 2017. This blog is about my new life up North, the bars I’ve been falling out of, the food I’ve been instagramming and my dating disasters along the way.