On Monday I turned 29. I won't lie to you it was a pretty glamorous birthday and I did have a brief moment of thinking so this is what getting older is about. Beautiful blue sea, a boat trip, unlimited wine, hot boys chatting to us. It was a dream. I am paying for those life choices now. I was in Malta on my birthday after going to Lost & Found festival. If I've taken one thing from the whole experience it is that I am too fucking old for these kind of holidays. I couldn't cope with sharing my space with loads of girls, I am basically crippled with illness because a week of partying has shot my fragile immune system to pieces and I got described as an 'older woman' on more than one occasion. I know you too will be shocked by that last statement, as someone who has regularly been told I look 24 (by other men also trying to get in my pants) I was appalled. I'm meant to be celebrating my birthday a second time this Saturday (I never have just one birthday c...
Hi, I’m Rosie. I’m in my late 20s and moved to Manchester from down south in 2017. This blog is about my new life up North, the bars I’ve been falling out of, the food I’ve been instagramming and my dating disasters along the way.